butterfly uganda

Hilfe für Menschen in Uganda-Pfarrer
John Kennedy Lubega e.V.

750 1243

Eine Kerze für Pfarrer Erich Elpers in Mbiriizi
Eine Kerze für Pfarrer Erich Elpers in Mbiriizi

"I greet you in the name of our Lord and send my condolences to you for losing such a wonderful person who didn't only cater for our studies to become who we are but also came to visit us as we were at school which was very far away about 300km.

On behalf of my colleagues that is Sarah, Suzan, Irene, Shadia, Lillian and Catherine we all send our condolences to u and thank the Almighty who has enabled him to do such a great work for us and others
We really appreciated so much
May the Lord accept and forgive him all those which didn't go right Amen
Eternal rest grant to him oh Lord and let your perpetual light shine upon him
May He rest in peace Amen."
Carol Nayiga on behalf of all trained to become Nurses from Mbiriizi parish"

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